No Compromise

 Posted on 1/25/1998 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Jonathan Kass <> asks:
> My question is, are we to assume G'Kar actually did the things he
> is given to do in the books?

I don't think any characterization of the Narns as simply
victims is correct...even in the series, we showed that the Narns, once
free of Centauri oppression, turned around and were in the process of
doing to others what had been done to them. They did a lot of awful
things, no mistake.


No Compromise

 Posted on 1/25/1998 by J. Michael Straczynski <> to CIS

Philip Hornsey <> asks:
> Speaking of Narns, what is G'Kar's position now?
> Has the Ka'Ri been reestablished?
> Is he finally First Circle?

A lot of that will be established this season, but technically,
he's still the Ambassador from Narn.